初選無罪- 釋放香港政治犯默站集會
「初選47人案」是香港國安法實施以來最大宗單一案件,案中45人僅因為參與及舉辦一場民主初選而被判監四至十年不等— 爭取民主自由就是他們的罪名。連同早前宣判的國安法案件,香港已經湧現大量政治犯。今個星期日,讓我們一起在伯明翰市中心聲援身陷牢獄的手足,並高呼釋放所有政治犯!
日期。24/11/2024 星期日
時間。3 - 4 pm
地點。High St, Birmingham B4 7SL (Primark 對出)
1. 歡迎自備標語及展示物品。
2. 市中心現正舉行聖誕市集活動,現場人多擠逼,快閃默站時請聽從現場義工指示。
3. 近日天氣寒冷有雨,參加朋友請穿著足夠預寒防風雨衣物。
Free Hong Kong Political Prisoners Assembly
The “47-person primary election case” is the largest single case since the implementation of the Hong Kong National Security Law, in which 45 activists were charged with subversion for participating in and hosting a peaceful primary election, who were sentenced to prison terms ranging from four to ten years — all because they strived for democracy and freedom. Together with other National Security Law cases, the number of political prisoners has increased drastically in Hong Kong. This Sunday, let us join hands in Birmingham city center to support our imprisoned fellow HongKongers and demand for the release of all political prisoners in Hong Kong!
Assembly details:
24 November 2024 (Sunday)
At High St, Birmingham B4 7SL (Outside Primark)
1. You are welcome to bring your own slogans and display items.
2. A Christmas market event is currently being held in the city center so it will be crowded on Sunday. Please follow the instructions of our volunteers during the assembly.
3. The weather is cold and rainy recently, please be reminded to wear warm and windproof clothing.
#HongKong #HongKongers #Birmingham #notguilty #freedom #Political #Prisoner #assembly #香港 #47人案 #初選案 #政治犯
https://www.facebook.com/share/p/f4Z2L1 ... tid=WC7FNe
24/11 - 初選無罪- 釋放香港政治犯默站集會
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